
Major / Minor

Develop the careful logic, deep thinking, 和创造性的想法,表征数学思想,并有助于负责任的公民在W数学计划&J. Prepare for advanced degree programs and careers like data analytics, banking, and actuary science.

Mathematics Snapshot

Beyond the Classroom


数学系资助学生到全国各地的会议上展示他们的研究成果, 包括全国数学联合会议, hosted each year by The American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America. 在过去的几年里,W&J students and professors have presented research they conducted together on campus at this meeting. Our department also has resources that enable students to complete summer research.

有了这样的支持,数学专业的学生喜欢 Alexas Iams ’21 能得到高调的实习机会吗. Alexas在美国宇航局兰利研究中心实习,参与了一个与平流层气溶胶和气体实验III (SAGE III)国际空间站在轨运行任务相关的项目.