Han Ye, Ph.D. portrait
Phone: 724-503-1001 x3397
Office: Burnett 218B
Email: yhan@elahomecollection.com

Ye Han, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Chinese

Degrees: Ph.D., University of Florida; M.A., Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan; B.A., Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, China

Dr. 韩晔,现代语言系中文系副教授. 她是一位在汉语和日语作为第二语言教学领域经验丰富的专家. 她曾在多个亚洲国家(中国)教过不同语言背景和年龄层的学生, Japan, and Singapore) before coming to the United States in 2005. In 2011, 她曾受邀为佛罗里达大学K-12汉语教师讲授STARTALK工作坊.

Dr. 主要研究方向为第二语言习得, with a focus on feedback from an interactionist approach; Chinese heritage language learners; Chinese language teaching pedagogy, and sociolinguistics. 她曾在AAAL, SLRF, ACTFL和其他主要语言学会议上发表她的研究成果. 她曾发表过多篇关于汉语教学、汉语教学和汉语学习技术的论文.