Major Player in Notable Vietnam War Battle to Give Public Lecture at W&J

Created: November 10, 2015  |  Last Updated: July 16, 2020  |  Category:   |  Tagged: ,

WASHINGTON, PA (Nov. 2015年10月10日)-在50号th anniversary of one of the most influential battles of the Vietnam War, 这场战争的主要参与者之一将在华盛顿向新一代发表公开演讲 & 杰佛逊学院&J).

Col. (ret) Ramon A. Nadal, who served twice in Vietnam between 1962 and 1965, will discuss LZ-Xray (“Landing Zone X-Ray”) – the Battle of Ia Drang, 发生在11月. 14-16, 1965年,是美国陆军和越南人民军(PAVN)在越南战争期间的第一场主要战役.

讲座将于11月11日举行. 16 at 7 p.m. in Room 100 of the Dieter-Porter Life Sciences Building. 该活动是W&J的第一年研讨会计划和 History Department 它的部分资金来自国家人文基金会. 它是免费向公众开放的.

Nadal will focus on the battle at Landing Zone X-Ray, 之所以重要,是因为它成为了战争中其他战役的典范.

“使用直升机将部队和火炮迅速转移到战区, 在SVN丛林深处作战的能力成为了陆军作战的典范,” Nadal said. “NVA也学到了一些东西. 除此之外,他们还了解到他们在边境那边有det365app不能去的避难所, so they could come and fight and then retreat to a safe spot.”

In 1962, Nadal, then a lieutenant, was assigned to the 7th 北卡罗来纳州布拉格堡的特种部队. 晋升为队长后, he assumed command of an “A” Detachment and deployed to Vietnam, 他指挥南洞营的地方, a camp located in the jungles of Northwest South Vietnam. Leading a force of 400 South Vietnamese and Nung soldiers, he conducted patrols along the Laotian border and engaged in ambushes, reconnaissance and an intensive civic action program.

当他回到美国时, 纳达尔上尉参加了装甲军官职业课程和探路者学校,并自愿返回越南. Joining the 1st Cavalry Division prior to its departure from the U.S. 1965年8月. Nadal served as Commanding Officer of A Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry and as the S-3 (Operations Officer) of the 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry. 在他的越南之行中, Nadal was engaged in heavy infantry combat in the Ia Drang Valley, the Bong Son plain, 和孔顿省.

伊德朗战役, 之所以如此命名,是因为它靠近Plei Me附近的Drang河,那里是交战的发生地, involved close-range engagement between the two forces, resulting in the PAVN retreat and a high number of casualties on both sides.

Harold G. Moore and Joseph L. Galloway documented the Battle of Ia Drang in their book det365app曾经是士兵,而且年轻. 这本书是2002年电影的基础 We Were Soldiers,梅尔·吉布森和巴里·佩珀主演.

纳达尔说,他希望参加讲座的学生能够对参加越南战争的美国人民表示感谢, what they went through and how it affected them and their country.

“我希望学生们对参加这场战争的美国人的素质表示赞赏, 他们战斗时表现出的英雄气概, the difficulty and terrible nature of close infantry ground combat, 以及这样做的后果,” he said.


About Col. Ramon A. Nadal

Col. (ret) Ramon A. “Tony” Nadal was born at Fort Benning, GA in 1935, son of an Army officer. 1958年,他以中尉的身份从美国军事学院毕业,并被分配到第46步兵团th 慕尼黑的步兵营(机械化), Germany, where he commanded mortar and reconnaissance platoons.

Following his service in the Vietnam War, Col. 纳达尔获得俄克拉荷马州立大学组织行为学硕士学位. His subsequent assignments included teaching leadership and psychology courses at the United States Military Academy from 1967 to 1970; serving in the Office of the Chief of Staff, United States Army; and a reassignment to Germany, 他在哪里指挥的nd Battalion, 13th Infantry. Returning to the U.S., 他成为部队司令部人力资源主任,并临时担任陆军参谋长组织效率研究小组主任, 然后被分配到陆军战争学院当学生和教员.

他从美国退役了.S. 在卡莱尔公司担任人力资源副总裁17年&M Corporation. 他的勋章包括银星勋章, 荣誉勋章(1olc), Soldier’s Medal, Bronze Star (1 OLC), 优良服务奖章(3枚), Air Medal (3OLC), Purple Heart, 和杰出单位奖.

Col. Nadal has served on the boards of a number of non-profit organizations, 组织了一个志愿者项目,让退役军官指导受伤的士兵. 他住在弗吉尼亚州的威廉斯堡.


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Washington & 杰斐逊学院位于宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿., is a selective liberal arts college founded in 1781. 致力于为每一位学生提供最高质量的本科教育, W&J提供传统的艺术和科学课程,强调跨学科研究和独立研究工作.

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